Call for tenders process

Due to the health crisis and the pressure on society, the deadline for this tender procedure has been extended to December 10, 2020.


Dear provider of digital educational solutions,

We’re looking for educational applications for the i-Learn portal, a new solution for digital personalized learning in Flemish primary and secondary schools. With this message we’d like to announce our tendering procedure (for commercial providers). Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a groundbreaking project which will impact the entire Flemish education sector!

Call for tenders process

There’s no denying it: as well as causing a great deal of human and economic suffering, COVID-19 has also created a raft of opportunities. For example, schools were suddenly obliged to teach digitally, which led to teachers discovering a wide variety of interesting educational applications. For the EdTech sector, this has created numerous fresh possibilities. The i-Learn project is the perfect opportunity to be part of an EdTech project supported by the Flemish Government.

At i-Learn we are now starting the exciting search for educational applications for the i-Learn portal, our solution for digital personalized learning in Flemish primary and secondary schools. Now the prototype of the portal is being tested in our pilot schools, it is time to turn our attention to the definitive portal that will be rolled out in the 2021-2022 academic year. Our goal is to make i-Learn available to as many teachers and pupils as possible.

For the prototype of the portal, there was a targeted search for educational solutions that could be deployed within our pilot schools’ chosen focus. For the final portal, we are opening up the horizons of our search. All educational solutions therefore have a chance of securing a place in the definitive i-Learn portal.

Which educational applications is i-Learn looking for?

The eligible educational apps can be divided into two categories:

  • Educational applications with their own (digital) contents such as sets of exercises, video instructions, (personalized) educational games, etc. within a subject-specific or cross-curricular context. These tools offer added value in terms of content, both in the traditional class context, and at times when pupils can explore things for themselves.
  • Applications that play a facilitating or supporting role in the processing of learning content, or which teachers and pupils can use to work creatively (e.g. authoring tools, tools that stimulate collaboration, text-to-speech software, mind mapping tools, video recording tools, etc.).

Seize your opportunity!

Due to the strict timing of the i-Learn project, we need to search for the educational applications that will feature on the 2021-2022 portal now. By participating in our tendering process, you could secure a place for your educational tool(s) on the i-Learn portal.

Why take part?

If your educational application is selected, you’ll be perfectly placed to introduce pupils, teachers and schools to your educational solution, and have them use it as a learning aid, without the need for you to visit a school to make a sales pitch. A large sales market in Flanders with minimal effort: surely that’s what everyone dreams of?

What are you waiting for?

We’re already looking forward to all the participating educational applications! These will undoubtedly ensure that Flemish pupils thoroughly enjoy their learning, under the approving eye of their teachers.

So don’t hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity to assure your educational app(s) of a place in i-Learn!

How to take part

Note: This tendering procedure is for commercial providers. We are planning an alternative process for non-commercial providers. If you are interested in this, please email:

i-Learn has published a public procurement contract on the e-Procurement platform to reach a framework agreement covering several different domains. The chosen process (competitive process with negotiation) consists of 2 steps. The framework contracts that are awarded in this process are a prerequisite for participating in the mini-competitions that will be launched within the different domain.

Step 1: Are you eligible? (selection phase)          

In the first step, you indicate that you wish to take part in the process. The selection instructions specify which basic conditions you need to meet for this as a participating party. If you meet these basic conditions, you can be selected for step 2.

There are several different domains (e.g. domain 1: science, domain 2: language) included in the selection instructions. Signing up for multiple domains is permitted, provided your educational application relates to multiple domains.

Step 2: Can you meet the requirements? (framework contract per domain)

In this step, tender specifications are sent to the selected parties from step 1. These tender specifications will contain more specific criteria than the selection instructions (e.g. technical compatibility). You respond to this with a bid. Based on these bids, a framework contract per domain will be concluded with multiple parties. This framework contract makes it possible to respond to the commissions sent out at a later date.

Final objective: mini-competitions (commissions within the domains)   

Upon completion of the 2-step process, i-Learn will start sending out commissions within the different areas. Per domain (e.g. science), commissions will be sent out around smaller themes (e.g. scientific primary education), exclusively to the educational applications that have a framework contract in this domain. In these mini-competitions, the contract will be awarded to the party with the best bid.