IDC Conference
The ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference 2020
Enkele i-Learn teamleden zullen een workshop geven tijdens de IDC conferentie in Londen (17-24 juni 2020). Spreek hen gerust aan om van gedachten te wisselen over i-Learn.
De workshop heeft als titel “Technology-mediated personalized learning for younger learners: concepts, methods and practice”. Hieronder kan je de (Engelstalige) abstract vinden:
Children differ in various aspects such as prior knowledge, learning pace, socio-economic status, interests etc. It has been argued that when we take these differences into account when we develop learning environments, children will benefit from it in terms of learning outcomes, learning experience, and attitudes towards particular subjects. The emergence of digital technologies has accelerated the movement to create personalised learning environments. Although technology-mediated personalised learning is promising, several challenges remain such as how personalised learning should be conceptualized, which methods should be used to establish the effects and how this movement impacts education and especially children and teachers. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners who have done work in this field to facilitate in-depth discussions, resource exchange and networking on technology-mediated personalised learning.
Update coronavirus: deze workshop zal virtueel plaatsvinden.